The Stone Fountain ~ I Have To Walk?

By W.R. Jones


    This is a fountain on a hill overlooking a lake.  There is a road leading up to this spot but it was closed with a locked gate.

    As part of a state park you must pay to get access to the lake and surrounding areas.  This particular spot is the only part of the park that I enjoy so I was bummed first by paying then by the locked gate.  I drove back to the park entrance to ask the ranger if she could get the gate opened.  She told me she did not know why the gate was locked but there must be a reason.   

    She had me wait for 20 minutes as she processed other campers/picnickers.  She then called someone who said the gate was closed for a reason but he didn’t know what it was.  I think I know.  The fewer areas open, the less cleanup to do at the end of the day.   

    So, I had to park below the hill and WALK up.   What kind of outdoor activity is that?  There are benches and tables at the top.  With a road leading up the hill, clearly the plan was to have you drive up, sit on a bench, and drink beer.   If it wasn’t for my ingenuity and willingness to walk that 53 yards, my day could have been ruined. 

This entry was posted in Landscape, On Suffering, Painting, Plein Air. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to The Stone Fountain ~ I Have To Walk?

  1. 100swallows says:

    I’m glad you made the climb and painted that picture, Bill. Also glad you put in those yellow flowers.

  2. Lynn Capell says:

    Thank you two for the BIG (oops Bill, -ok,Lisa, “big big”) smiles every morning. Since discovering your blog this week, I read a snippet a morning with mycuppa joe. Oh I can relate! As a fellow painter and instructor, you really had me chuckling this morning with your story about changing the habits of students (“step away from that painting!”). I gotta try that.
    You’re both delightful and inspiring and hey, “you’re really good artists!!” (as they say). Kudos!

    For a peek at my stuff: (yes this one sorely needs an update)


  3. lbtowers says:

    Lynn, comments like yours make all of our hard work on this blog worthwhile! I am running out my door now, but look forward to reading your blog, and seeing your website. (I added your slash for you!)

  4. wrjones says:

    Thanks Lynn.

    100swallows – I’m glad you liked the piece, or did you just want me to get my exercise?

  5. 100swallows says:

    Now that you had walked those 53 yards up there and paid your fee, why didn’t you turn around and paint the lake for us too? Of course you’re so near-sighted I guess you’d have had to walk back down to see it.

  6. wrjones says:

    I had planned on doing just that but after a few drinks I sort of lost interest and took a nap. Why do I drink and paint? I find the blurred vision an alternative to squinting to simplify the big masses. Eventually it simplifies down to a single big mass then goes dark and later you awake to the sound of your own snoring and it is time to go home. I’m going to save some of my allowance to get the park fee to go back and paint the lake.

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