Sea Paintings

Michelle Bogash

Study of Wave by Michelle Bogash 

     This week I had a really tough decision as to which student’s painting to post. I narrowed it down to two. The assignment was to do individual studies of waves, and then to move on to a study of a composition with rocks and waves.  The above painting, by Michelle was a really convincing wave. She got all of the elements involved in the anatomy of the wave.  I’m completely buying it!

 Carolyn Davis

Study of Rocks and Wave by Carolyn Davis

     This study, by Carolyn, was really lovely and the photo does not do it justice. I don’t know why there is a diagonal pattern to it.  Be sure to click on it to enlarge it, and it looks a lot better. Anyway, another great job by her. She is an accomplished painter with some interesting Hudson River School training from the east coast.

     In general I was amazed by how well the whole class did with this project. It is the first time I have taught this, and I did not know what to expect, but everyone seemed to love it and do well at it. Some of the studies deserved to be posted, but the photos did not translate them well.

No, I have not forgotten that Bill’s last post needs a well thought out response from me. Stay tuned.


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5 Responses to Sea Paintings

  1. Simon Atkins says:

    Can you tell Michelle that althoguh she may be a student, don’t doubt in her art skills. I thought this painting was so good when I was searching on google for wave paintings that I assumed it was by a famous artist. When I found out it was by a Budding Artist, I thought she should know just how good her work is.

  2. lbtowers says:

    Thank you so much Simon. I will make sure that Michelle reads your lovely compliment. She is a terrific painter now!

  3. coco says:

    hi i am 10 years old and i am the best drawer and painter in primary
    and there is going to be a painting contest and it is about seas

  4. ivdanu says:

    I feel we are all students, all the time and until the bitter (or not) end… I remember Vincent (Van Gogh, of corse) entitled most of his paintings `études` (studies?) and not only because he was modest…
    We are just students, more all less advanced… Very nice wave study, especialy the first one (more crisp, more vigurous)…

  5. julisca says:

    I used Michelle’s painting for the front page of my thesis and mentioned her as the wonderful artist of this work. Thank you so much!

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